Last December, Chanel launch the Channel Diamond Forever bag and it was called as the "the costliest handbag on the market today. It is made of diamond and alligator bags with iconic Chanel logo which is bejeweled with 334 diamonds and plunked into a solid 18-carat white gold bedding. This handbag could be a collector's item because of high demand , limited availability and because of high price.And or simply say's more valuable like the Diamonds.
Do you know what is the price real price ? It is $260,150.Maybe the rich people and celebrities are willing to pay a mean dollar to get it.
[via trendhunter]
Or Could this Channel handbag a "woman best friend" or just like the diamonds that are girl best friend. For more detail, you may check it at @Chanel bags
2 comments on "Chanel Diamond Forever Handbag as the World's Most Expensive Bag"
That's one of the most expensive handbag that I know. I doubt that it will be bought by someone who is a fanatic of collecting such brand of handbag. This is way too expensive.
That's a one good information about the most expensive diamond handbag made by Chanel
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